August 12, 2009

Georgy Gounev – According to the hard core American leftists, both the educated and the ignorant ones, there is nothing wrong with the Islamic World. In their view it was the imperialist and oil-hungry administration of former President George W. Bush that brought about all calamities in the world, including 9/11 and hurricane Katrina, upon the United States. Fortunately, there are many people who fully realize the nature and the magnitude of the Islamo-Totalitarian quest for global domination. By the way, the more popular term Islamo-Fascism is incorrect, because Radical Islam combines the worst features of BOTH variations of totalitarianism – the Fascism and the Communism. Hence, Islamo-Totalitarianism is a more appropriate term. There are many experts and authors who believe that the real enemy is Islam itself. Read the rest of this entry »

Russian/American Alliance with the Islamization of Europe (book soon to be released)

August 10, 2009

Georgy Gounev  –  The famous Russian writer Feodor Dostoevsky once said “there are bad people who are much more effective in acting together in the pursuit of a common goal.”  The nature of Radical Islam’s assault on Europe seems to confirm the pessimism of the famous master of the written word. Read the rest of this entry »

Why Shariah Must Be Opposed

August 8, 2009

What Every Woman Should Know about Radical Islam & Sharia Law

August 6, 2009

Pat English     Have you seen the movie “The Stoning of Soraya?”  If not I recommend you go out and see it.  One must admit that this is an extreme example of the worst of Sharia Law as practiced and advocated by Radical Islam.  In Iran an innocent women is condemned to death by stoning because she was falsely accused of infidelity by a husband who wanted another woman.   The story is a true one and took place in Iran during 1998.  One sees the father, the husband and then the sons of Soraya stoning her to death.  How sad!  How could any religion/culture/cult be so brutal?  However, while this may be an extreme example of Radical Islam, it is not unusual today to hear of honor murders in many non-Islamic countries where a woman is accused of anything from not marrying a selected husband to adultery. Read the rest of this entry »